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Guided Learning

  A time  for young children and their families to facilitate bonding, learning and exploring the world in a new way.

Our education kits offer worksheets and activities addressing kindergarten prerequisite skills, gross and fine motor, sensory exploration, speech development strategies, and tips for emotional regulation.

Mission Statement

Our vision is to help young children develop a love for learning, build a curiosity for the world around them, and acquire the skills they need to become accomplished and confident learners - ready to achieve their dreams.

Our dream is to share knowledge, resources and tools with as many families as possible.  It is our hope that our educational kits provide rich learning opportunities through pre-academic worksheets, crafts, sensory exploration, gross and fine motor skills, and much more.

Our goal is to help your children develop a passion, appreciation, and eagerness for learning.

Thank you so much for supporting our small business! 

Education Kits

On Sale Now!

we are like a box of 


each one of us


but when we get together...

the picture is


Get to Know Me
Boy Doodling
Playing in Nursery

are a
of possibilities

Reading with Magnifying Glass
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